
Housekeeping #1

I’m going to do my best to keep this blog nice and organized for easy navigation. As you can see by the current state of my drawing table, organization is not always my strong suit. But I’m trying.

Anyway, what follows are the blog posting titles I plan on commonly using.

My Comic Projects
  • Sketches and Layouts- These will be works in progress, rough sketches and doodles, that might one day grow up and become...
  • Pin-Ups- Finished pieces good enough to receive the Tyler James seal of approval. (Mental note- get official looking seal.)
  • Script Doctor- These will be excerpts from comic scripts I'm working on, showing how I approach writing for comics.
  • [Comic Title]- Projects that are in full swing (ex. Super Seed) will be getting their own section in this blog. They are that important.
  • Events, Appearances, Promotion- Occassionally I'll get up from my drawing table and from behind the keyboard and try to meet some readers and comics fans.
  • Creator's Toolkit- My yet to be framed M.Ed. degree from some school in Cambridge would suggest that I have an interest in helping others with their pursuit of knowledge. What pearls of wisdom I've gleaned from my time working on comics will be discussed in these posts.

Commentary Posts

  • On the Racks- Reviews and critiques of mainstream comics.
  • In the Trades- Recommendations for must read trade paper backs and graphic novels.
  • On the Tube- TV Commentary.
  • On the Shelf- Book reviews.
  • In the Ipod- Must hear music.
  • In the News- When I have no choice but to comment on current events. Hopefully I'll leave this primarily to reputable news outlets, such as The Onion or The Daily Show.

That should keep me busy for a while. Enough with the logistics...on with the content!

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