
New York Comic Con #2: Post-Game

Breaking news from the New York Comic Con...turns out I am a Skrull!

Yup, the skrull masks were a big hit at the large Marvel booth, but just a drop in the bucked of the merchandising that was NYCC. This was my first major con, and I think I am still recovering from the sensory overload that is a major comic convention. Rather than give a thorough blow-by-blow of the con, I'll just provide the highlights as I saw them.

  • Got my copy of Civil War #1 signed by penciler Steve McNiven and inker Dexter Vines. Steve is a really nice guy, and it was cool to flip through at look at his layouts for Civil War.

  • Saw a panel on creating an independent television show, which included Redeeming Rainbow, an off beat comedy pilot worth checking out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrBBhX-W6vA

  • Met Rob Liefeld, and got my original Youngblood #1 copy from the early 90's signed, along with a copy of the new Youngblood series. I also snagged a signature Derek Donovan, the artist on the new Youngblood. I talked to Rob for a bit about Super Seed, Armageddon Now, and also spent time flipping through pages of original art. Wow, do those pages pop in person...just awesome comic action as only Liefeld can draw.

  • Picked up a copy of the Mouse Guard hardcover by David Peterson. David signed it and drew a quick sketch in there. I had an interesting conversation with Peterson about his choice of format for Mouse Guard. He said he originally planned to self-publish, and wanted a unique size for his book to make it stand out from the rest of the small press work out there. So, he took a legal size piece of paper, folded it in half, and came up with a square sized paper, that he liked because it allowed for nice widescreen panels for establishing shots that didn't have to be as thin as on a standard comic page. Photobucket

  • Checked out the a new Marvel video games for Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk. Much like their respective movies, the Iron Man game looked great, the Hulk...a little suspect.

  • Met Mark Poulton and Steven Sistilli, the creators of Koni Waves. I've interacted with Mark on message boards over the past couple years, and seen this series develop. I picked up the First Wave trade, which collects the first 4 Koni Stories. Series artist Steven Sisitilli tossed a sweet sketch on the inside of the book for me as well.Photobucket
  • The loot. One of the best things about the Con was the massive amounts of discount trade paper back bins. Yes, I went to town. I picked up Daredevil Visionaries 2-3, which collect the celebrated Frank Miller run that includes the classic Daredevil/Electra storyline. I picked up the first two StormWatch:Post Human Division trades for $5 a pop. I also grabbed a Darkness Trade with art by Silvestri and written by Ennis. I also got a ton of freebie comics as well.
All in all, it was a good time, and I'd definitely hit NYCC again. Not quite sure if I'm ready for San Diego though.

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